Free museum entry for New Zealanders and people living in New Zealand

Aroha Atu Aroha MaiShare The Love

Celebrate Te Papa’s 27th anniversary with heart-warming activities, live performances, unique photo opportunities, and special treats this Valentine’s weekend.

When | Āhea

10.00am–2.00pm, 14–16 Feb 

Where | Ki hea

Various locations around Te Papa

On Valentine’s Day 1998, Te Papa opened its doors for the very first time. 27 years later, we’re still caring for Aotearoa New Zealand’s treasures – more than 2 million taonga that tell our nation’s stories.

This year, we’re marking the occasion with our Share the Love weekend of heartwarming activities. From live performances to hands-on crafts and unique photo ops, there’s something for everyone for just a small koha donation. Help keep Te Papa’s stories alive by supporting our Annual Appeal this Valentine's weekend.

What’s On

Extra highlights
Pop into the Level 1 Cafe for a love-themed dessert, enjoy high tea at Espresso on Level 4, or shop for the perfect Valentine’s gift in the Te Papa Store.

Aroha atu, aroha mai – share the love at Te Papa.

Detail of Top 16, 2007-2017 by Janet Lilo, 2018. Photograph by Maarten Holl. Te Papa (101389)