Issue 30 of Tuhinga, our research journal, is out
Tuhinga is Te Papa’s annually published journal of scholarship and mātauranga. Number 30, which has just come out, is bigger and better than ever, running to eight articles and 268 pages.
As ever, it aims to be both scholarly and accessible. Each article has been rigorously read by peer reviewers and, as sole editor Dr Mark Stocker hopes, rigorously edited! It is beautifully and comprehensively designed and illustrated too – the work of Christine Barraud.
Tuhinga 30 kicks off with three articles on Te Papa’s historical art collection: two beautiful drawings attributed to 16th century Dutch master artist Maarten van Heemskerck, drawings for the 1785 pantomime Omai, or, A Trip round the World, and part two of Te Papa’s vastly enhanced collection of Japanese woodblock prints.
Natural history then takes over, with articles on Te Papa’s remarkable collection of Latin-American gastropods (“snails to you and me!” says Mark) and a definitive article on the distribution and size of petrel colonies throughout New Zealand.
Finally, there’s a section that addresses the interface of art, science, and taonga: an exciting article relocating the iconic Pink and White Terraces of Lake Rotomahana, using an entirely new methodology, the results of an excavation of a 12th-century tool workshop at Oturehua, and an article on provenance and authentication of Māori taonga using portable X-ray fluorescence.
Mark is pleased to tell the world that though he is shortly leaving Te Papa, Tuhinga will continue under his editorship.
The contribution deadline for issue 31 (2020) is 31 October 2019. Articles must relate in some way to the objects, history, heritage, and activities of Te Papa and its predecessors such as the Colonial Museum and the National Art Gallery.
If you have anything suitable for imminent or future publication, please let Mark know at or