ExhibitionsNgā whakaaturanga
Celebrate Aotearoa New Zealand’s unique natural environment. See Gallipoli through the eyes and words of eight ordinary New Zealanders. Hear extraordinary stories from young refugees.
Note: Level 5 art galleries are currently closed for maintenance.
Exhibitions on now
Find out what is currently showing at Te Papa in Wellington
Vivienne Westwood & Jewellery
Created by Vivienne Westwood Limited and produced by Nomad Exhibitions, this retrospective exhibition celebrates the iconic jewellery of renowned British fashion designer Dame Vivienne Westwood (1941–2022).
On now
17 Jan–27 Apr 2025 Note: The exhibition will close early at 4.30pm on Wednesday 12 February.
Exhibition Ngā whakaaturanga
Visit three karetao-puoro (instruments that are figures too) created by artist James Webster to give karetao a voice by incorporating taonga puoro into their design. Watch the whānau of karetao in action in Tokotū (Rise Up), the story of Ranginui and Papatūānuku.
On now
Wed 5 Jun – mid 2026
Exhibition Ngā whakaaturanga
Manu Rere Moana
The navigation of the Pacific by waka hourua | double-hulled sailing waka is one of the great achievements of human technology. This exhibition celebrates the mātauranga of celestial navigation that enabled these extraordinary voyages.
On now
Permanent exhibition
Exhibition Ngā whakaaturanga
Touring exhibitions
See which of our exhibitions are touring Aotearoa New Zealand
Touring Exhibition – Colossal Squid: Freaky Features!
Because they live at extreme depths in freezing water, us humans know very little about the colossal squid’s life, they are very rarely captured or seen. Find out about different parts of the colossal squid using Interactive objects and rotating models.
Currently touring Aotearoa New Zealand
Exhibition Ngā whakaaturanga
Past exhibitions
Browse our past exhibitions
Generation X: 50 Artworks from the Chartwell Collection
Generation X: 50 Artworks from the Chartwell Collection is a big noisy group show featuring contemporary art made by Gen X artists. This exhibition is presented by City Gallery Wellington.
27 July – 20 October 2024
Exhibition Ngā whakaaturanga
Dinosaurs of Patagonia | Ngā Taniwha o Rūpapa
An astonishing exhibition of the dinosaurs of Patagonia, South America – which included the Patagotitan, one of the most massive creatures ever to walk the planet, life-sized casts, and real fossils up to 230 million years old.
16 Dec 2023 – 28 Apr 2024
Exhibition Ngā whakaaturanga