The Republic of Kiribati is an island nation of over 32 atolls in Micronesia, in the central Pacific Ocean, with most of its population of over 119,000 living on the island of Tarawa. Contributing to its uniqueness, Kiribati straddles the equator and the 180th meridian, which means it is in all four hemispheres at the same time. The name is pronounced Kiribass, and the name of its people, the I-Kiribati, is pronounced as ee-Kiribass.
Te taetae ni Kiribati (Kiribati language) and wellbeing in Aotearoa New Zealand
Rose Namoori-Sinclair is from Tabiteuea Island in Kiribati and has been working as UN Coordination Specialist – Kiribati. Here she answers some questions about the significance of te taetae ni Kiribati (Kiribati language) in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Pacific curators talk about Te Papa’s Kiribati collections
As part of Kiribati Language Week 2024, Senior Curator Pacific Histories & Cultures Sean Mallon and Curator Pacific Cultures Emelihter Kihleng talked to Brian Sagala from the Pacific Days team at 531 PI about some of Te Papa’s Kiribati collection.
Laptop case: Indigenous knowledge, modern uses
While laptops are an imported product into the Pacific, this case made in Kiribati of local materials utilises indigenous hand-weaving techniques of the Pacific and is, in some ways, reflective of the goals of the PacINET conference; to share knowledge from a range of sources.